CALL TO ACTION (April 26):
Please call and email the following senators and respectfully let them know why you support HB 909/SB 590. If passed, this legislation would give local communities a voice in the development of new landfills on their border. Share your story and remind them of the broad bipartisan support and grassroots momentum behind our efforts.
Sen. Holly Thompson Rehder,, 573-751-2459
Sen. Mary Elizabeth Coleman,, 573-751-1492
Sen. Curtis Trent,, 573-751-1503
Important questions:
- These bills have the support of every single senator and representative who has a stake in the area. Why are they opposing their colleagues whose districts would be negatively impacted by a new landfill?
- These senators don't represent our area. Why do they believe they know what's best for us?
- Ask them why they will not support the thousands of Missourians who have written, called and testified on behalf of this legislation and are doing what elected officials have longed for –getting involved in the process.
In the middle of the night last night, a debate ensued on the Senate floor regarding a potential amendment to a budget bill to study impacts of a landfill in our region. Hearing opposition to that amendment last night has centered our concerns around the aforementioned senators who stood up and expressed possible opposition to our legislation. Please ask these senators to let this bill have its day on the floor and get an up or down vote from the full Senate.
As always, we encourage you to thank the senators who are in support of HB 909, especially Sen. Rick Brattin, who was up in the middle of the night debating for your property rights!